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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  December 10, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> reporter: she says she tried to get the 50-year-old to stay with her but he didn't want to be a burden. he was wearing shorts and a hooded sweat shirt and well known long the -- among the community. >> is there a place to go? >> yes, it's called the woods. >> those who live on hayward street say there is nowhere for single homeless men to go in an emergency basis. >> we need in hayward, california we need a community center where we can feed, clothe, shower. and go ahead and help people. >> reporter: abc7 news white was second for a permanent housing program. >> joe had been enrolled in one of the programs. and that was working through process. but not fast enough. >> reporter: so people like joe white end up sleeping in the cold whit gets below freezing.
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>> he's a human being. he's a human being that was waiting to get help. he was trying to survive just like all of these people are trying to survive. >> mary couldn't keep her son off the streechlts now, she's struggling to pay for his funeral. >> in hayward abc7 news. >> so sad there. well, black ice is being investigated as a cause of a terrible accident on northbound 280. >> weather causing all kinds of problems how much longer will we be in icy grip of the cold spell? >> just a little bit longer. we do have freeze warnings and frost advisories going up. >> sandhya, sorry we're having a
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mic problem. some other news now, an east bay golf pro facing charges he molested boys he was hired to tutor on the victims between 12 and 17 at the time. he started working at the golf course in 2006. police say he was fired as soon as they heard about his arrest. he had been highly regarded as a coach. >> a sheriff deputy shot a fan during a struggle this afternoon. sky seven shows where the sheriff deputies confronted this man. two deputies got into an altercation. both deputies and the wounded man went to the hospital. the deputies are
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expected to recover but there is no word on how the man is doing tonight. >> this is a day, now an evening of protests sky seven shot pictures of an arrest just moments ago. the 13-year-old andy lopez killed on october 22nd. there is a march to protest the return to work. abc7 news is live at the sheriff's office tonight with latest on the story. john? >> we're at santa rosa city hall. it has become commotion filled. video shows a man being taken out after ak rested here at santa rosa city council. a few dozen demonstrators with banners and crosses walked into the city council meeting shouting andy, andy. they also
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aired grievances against police what is alleged to be police brutality. now what started this whole incident occurred in october, deputy from sonoma county saw the lopez. authorities say deputies told the boy to turn. and that led to protest that's boiled over here at santa rosa city council the protestors right now are heading to the santa rosa police department where they say they'll stay until the man is
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released. live in santa rosa abc7 news. >> thank you. well, about an hour north from santa rosa, divers in an underwater robot spent the day underwater after a report of human remains in the water. authorities have yet to say whether she the spotted anything during that search. the city council confirmed the next chief of police approving larry escobel today. he has served in the department since being hireded as a patrol officer in 1986. in recent months they've seen officers and cadets leave for higher paying jobs >> there have been several gas leaks in the bay area today
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this, is in brentwood. leak occurred and the laeblg has been capped. emergency crews have their hands full when a gas leak sent flames shooting through a street in oakland for hours. this started about 8:30 this morning. 20 minutes later underground fire started to really destroy the pavement the league forced evacuations and took hours to cap the fire. and it burned the time. the latest now from abc7 news reporter nick smith live tonight. that was unbelievable. >> mannin living there. crews working to repair that section now. you can see them doing
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welding. pg&e describe it as a gas pipeline break to assist them. there are no injuries ask damage to homes. the all clear given for residents to return to houses after wake together sound of engines and orders to evacuate. you can see flames stretching into the area over the intersection of gulf links ready crews evacuateed and others told to shelter in place. >> i said this doesn't look right. it's all straight. lines the fire in the concrete. >> a leaky pg&e pipe was blamed for this explosion two years ago. a two different type was found to have more than half a dozen leaks. pg&e describes this system as a combination of
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plastics and steal. they don't know where the break happened or what are caused the fire. just after 11:00 a.m crews were able to cap the line killing the flow of gas. >> it's a four inch steel pipeline. they'll take tools and squeeze that shut. >> these are new pipes used to create a temporary work around. in oakland abc7 news. >> there is much more ahead. that was president obama. coming up a massive memorial to nelson mandela and actions some say are in bad taste. >> gift card concerns. the problems you can run into if you receive one this holiday season. >> also head our cold snap and
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people who love it. >> how to give where you live
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tens of thousands packed a stadium for nelson mandela. south africans gathered to by the >> whit rains, it means the gods are welcoming you in the gaze of heaven is open as well.
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>> he thought us the power of ideas. the need to study not only those who you agree with but those you don't agree >> at the memorial the president shook hands with cuban president raul castro. a gesture prompting talk of a possible thaw between the nations and the president took a selfie with the leaders of denmark and sweden. many
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commented it was tacky and inappropriate to do so at a memorial. former president bush took a selfie with bono but there has in the been commenting about that photo. san francisco holding a memorial tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m . we'll be streaming that live on abc7 >> and now, on to consumer news. why you may want to rethink a gift card for someone on the christmas list. consumer reports partnered with seven on your side to reveal pit falls. here is michael finney. >> yes. yes. >> this group of employees is hardly a sample but experiences show why buying gift cards may be a waste of money. >> it's starting to become a
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burden. i would rather have cash. >> it's estimated $1.8 billion worth of gift cards are gathering dust in are likely never to be redeemed. >> however, here in california gift cards cannot have an expiration indicate. if outside of the state, recent legislation requires retailers nationwide to honor cards five years but monthly fees can kick in after a year, draining the value of the card long before it expires. i had one where all money was gone by the time i tried >> gift cards with bank logos with be used in a wide variety of stores but there is an activation fee or purchase charge. usual .
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>> other retailers may charge you a fee. >> with the visa card, you can get, you'll shell out $15 to replace a stolen or lost card. >> don't expect the same fraud protections you get with traditional cards. >> another reason. consumer reports says use them as soon as you get them. consumer reports says avoid those with purchase fees and keep your receipts in case one gets lost. good advice. give where you live campaign is under way now. >> we're live now from concord. great crowd there. here in concord joined by
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raymond b, the community outreach pastor from father's house. >> we see people who need help getting groceries. and are feeding about 10,000 people every month. people know the economy has shifted we find about 80% of the people served are working part time or seasonal work but can't make it until the end of the month. >> there are many families that need help and this family, justin, tell us what brought you to the father's house? >> i had to go on disability suddenly with my job. and >> without them it would be tough? >> definitely. i've had to choose between paying rent, bills, food. and father's house
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has been helping us get through that. we can go every day get food, clothes, i mean everything you can think of. milk. meet. without it i don't know how we could have made it this far. >> sounds like a blessing for the family. >> yes. it's been there people don't know about it. >> they know bit now. we appreciate you sharing your story with us. and appreciate the work you're doing. and you can help our give where you live food drive texting donations. text the word feed to the number 800 80077 for a $10 donation. cheryl, dan? >> thank you, spencer. >> you can help fight hunger in the bay area with abc7 when you click give where you live we're going donate $one
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so go to awc seven news base fook page quickly. >> please do that. our cold snap has people shivering. some folks arriving in san francisco guess what? they love cold. >> i sit down outside on the deck on the trip here >> i love cold weather. it's great for biking. >> this weather is perfect. >> i don't know about miking in the weather. >> it feels good. you do get warmed up. it's teeth chattering cold freeze warnings going up
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tonight. sky clear other than clouds passing through. and this morning, here is where we have records. santa cruz, 27. two ties. 28 san jose and ant yk. it's cold around oakland and redwood city. freeze warnings going up for limited areas you can see they're shaded here. this runs until testimony morning. we're looking at an increased risk of hypothermia. keep in mind it's on the frosty side. you can see the coast and
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bay we're looking at frost in the morning. 50 in degrees, winds light. here is a look at the numbers. 47 santa rosa. 44 napa. high pressure overhead. so freeze warnings tonight. milder weather throughout weekend tomorrow morning you'll want to make sure kids are bundled up. and have hats, scarfs and gloves. and a warm jacket. going to be down to freezing in
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fremont and san jose. 32 degrees, high pressure blocking any storms from getting here. we're going to see temperatures overnight and afternoon running higher than where we are. tomorrow afternoon, sunny skies, temperatures low to mid-50s morgan hill, 57. looking at the accu-weather forecast, not as colted cold and afternoon will be milder. we'll continue into weekend and dry monday and tuesday as well. we need about three inches of rain to get us out of the all-time record here in san francisco. that is how much rain we need.
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>> we'll perhaps have a wet january. >> looking at a possibility of a storm coming in. >> thank you. >> just ahead history made at general moators. >> glass sealing has been smashed to smithereens. that story is in just a moment.
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breaking news in a suburb outside of sacramento an suv crashed into a starbucks. we understand is the suv crashed into a starbucks. eight people are hurt, one seriously. the driver of the suv and passengers and her passengers are okay. no word on whether the driver hit accelerator by mistake but we're running it down for you. this
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happened outside sacramento. >> police and students in egypt clashed for a third day, students protesting in support of mohammed moresy. reports say dozens of students have been hurt and officials say officers fired tear gas to prevent students from taking protests outside of the campus. >> and this group received a peace prize in norway. the group received a diploma and a cash award of $1.2 million for efforts to eliminate chemical weapons in syria and around the world. lawrence livermore lab had a vested interest in the proceedings. it's one of two labs in the country analyzed to sample chemical warfare agents.
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>> general motors announced mary berra as its ceo. she's your honor currently the senior vice president of global product development. she's also in charge of purchasing and had headed the human resources operations. berra started adds an engineering co-op education student in 19806789 now risen to the top of the company. a record breaking day for twitter. stock jumped 7% today. this comes in the face of skepticism by some analysts that twitter is overvalued the stock jumped 73% in november closing above $50 mark. >> coming up a story behind
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christmas cheer. >> it's out there on and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know?
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i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the importan and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with qualifying bundles. [s[man] no one told her,right?a. [son]hi! [mom screams]
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to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at coming up at 6:00 a look at how kids navigate to a drug infested san francisco neighborhood >> also, in an attic for a week. protecting this year's citrus crops >> those stories and more coming up at 6:00 when cheryl and i join you then. >> christmas cheer going off
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shore tonight. >> this tree is floating on the bay near glennwood neighborhood. >> it's on top of a wrapped white box with stripes. it has small solar panels >> if you think you see a tree your eye are not deceiving you. >> before we leave, we want to remind you about this campaign. you can help abc7 news fight finger in the bay area, we going to donate $1 to feeding america food banks. >> we're going to announce the winner december 19th. >> help us spread the word. and we'll do it with your help. >> today we made a surprise
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donation to the food bank in welcome to "world news." tonight most of this nation is covered in snow and slush. 88% of the country walking on snow. millions of americans trying to stay warm, 1,000 flights cancelled tonight. the dramatic rescue tonight, this car flipped in the snow, a family with four children trapped 48 hours in the freeze. how they survived. driver's seat, general motors hires the first woman ever to run a big auto company. how does she plan to change the cars you drive? ♪ and power tribute to nelson mandela, leaders from 100 countries, even adversaries shaking hands. ♪ and on "world news," the music of one man's dream will rock the world again tonight.


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